ABA Dictionary

Antecedent: This is the event or stimulus that occurs immediately before the behaviour in question.

Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS-R): This is an assessment curriculum guide and tracking system for children with language delays.

Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS): This is an assessment tool and curriculum guide for the development of essential skills for achieving independence.

BCBA: Board Certified Behaviour Analyst.

BCaBA: Board Certified Assistant Behaviour Analyst.

Behavioural Skills Training (BST): This is a strategy for teaching new skills. This method includes the delivery of instructions, modeling and providing feedback.

Consequence: This is the event or stimulus that occurs immediately following the behaviour in question.

Extinction Procedure: This is used to eliminate or reduce inappropriate or unwanted behaviour. Whatever was motivating or causing the behaviour,  is eliminated.

Function of Behaviour: This is what drives problem behaviours. Problem behaviours are usually motivated or caused by one (or more) of the following functions: attention, escape or avoidance, access to a tangible item, sensory or discomfort

Functional Analysis (FA): This type of analysis is designed specifically to test hypotheses regarding variables or events most strongly related to the occurrences of problem behaviours.

Functional Assessment Interview (FAI): This interview can be completed with the parents or guardian of the child, the teachers or support staff. Alternatively, the child (given competency and age), can also complete the interview. The purpose of the assessment interview is to collect information about events that influence problem behaviour. This assessment strives to narrow the focus of the events that are relevant to the child who is receiving support.

Functional Assessment Observation (FAO): This is simply a form used to record the events surrounding the problem behaviour. The form can encompass different settings and times of day that the problem behaviour occurs. This form of observation is typically used for behaviours that occur at low to moderate frequency (fewer than 20 times per day).

Function Based Assessments (FBA): This is an assessment process for gathering information that can be used to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of behavioural support. These include tools such as the Functional Assessment Interview (FAI), Scatter Plots, Questions About Behavioural Function (QABF), Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) and Functional Assessment Observation (FAO).

Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS): This is a questionnaire designed to identify situations in which an individual is likely to behave in a certain way. The information gathered in this assessment will help to determine the possible function(s) of problem behaviour.

Punishment: Anything that causes the target behaviour to decrease.  

Reinforcement: Anything that cause the target behaviour to increase.

Scatter Plot: This is a graphic display used to show the relative distribution and correlation of target behaviour across different time periods.

Target Behaviour: This is simply the act that the individual engages in, that is of interest to the team.

Verbal Behaviour Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP): This is an assessment curriculum guide and tracking system for individuals with language delays.

Questions About Behavioural Function (QABF): This is an indirect assessment tool used to determine possible function(s) of problem behaviour.


O’Neill, R.E., Horner, R.H., Albin, R.W., Sprague, J. R., Storey, K., Newton, J.S. (1997), Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behaviour (2nd ed.), Belmond, CA: Brooks Cole Cengage Learning.

Parington, J.W. (2010), Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills, Pleasant Hill, CA: Behaviour Analysts, Inc.

Parington, J.W. & Mueller, M.M. (2012), Assessment of Functional Living Skills, Pleasant Hill, CA: Behaviour Analysts, Inc.

Sunberg, M. L. (2008), Verbal Behaviour Milestones Assessment and Placement Program, Concord, CA: AVB Press.
