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Reflect, Relax, Rejuvenate


How was 2021 and how will you make 2022 even better?

There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.

Change the things you can change, and appreciate what you cannot.


Be calm. Physically and mentally.

How do we connect our mind to our body and become aware that they go hand-in-hand? How do we become calm and relaxed? Luckily, we can do several things to help put ours mind at ease and begin to relax. Consider the things we have control over: 1. Guide your awareness back to the present moment. 2. Allow your breath to take place. Become aware of it and enjoy it. Slow it down when you need to. 3. Notice when your mind is wandering and bring it back to center with simple breathing. 4. Be happy and appreciate the simple everyday things in life. Smile about them. Laugh about them.

“The present moment is the only moment over which we have dominion- Thic Nhat Hanh”

You cannot stop the waves but you sure can learn how to ride them. 

There is always a lot going on in our lives, we are not unique in that sense. Because of this, our minds tend to wander on this-or-that, making it difficult to bring ourselves to a place of calm. In order to have a clear mind to move forward with our days, try to rid the mind of outside thoughts, pay attention, and focus on the here and now. 

Be present.


“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.”